Medical referral is not required to obtain reimbursement from the public health insurance to the chiropractor.
Reporting to "Sygesikring Denmark" is done automatically (you must notify the receptionists that you are a member at the first consultation). We work with most of the health insurance companies, so if you have a private health insurance or an insurance through your work, this will cover the treatments 100%.
Prices are set according to the Danish chiropractor association - see below.
Here you will find the prices for normal treatments - for further services and fees, please see here.
Follow-up consultations
Limited consultation
Normal consultation
Extended consultation
217 kr
349 kr
484 kr
New problem to patients that have been to the clinic <12 month ago
New problem to patients that have been to the clinic within the past 1-3 years
New patient to the clinic or last visit >3 years ago
404 kr
536 kr
668 kr
30 min
45 min
400 kr
550 kr
Our own patients
470 kr
The clinic has also got two Mensencieck teachers, a lifestyle coach and a psychologist linked to the clinic - ask in the reception for contact details.